Monday, September 11, 2017

It was evening when no one was around and I was casually speaking to my better half to know her concerns. I learned that she being alone in the house whole day has been thinking whatever to her mind. I felt that she feel deeply bored and may be taken out. I also felt that she has been instigated by some one. Somone has instigated her thoughts, her emotions her deep negative side. May be by casually inquiring the negatives has surfaced.

Due to which, she kind of argues what is spiritual.. Why am I different. Based on her conversation I understand that she does not love me. May be she is forced to stay with me. No other option to go.
While, I don't feel bad.. It's quite negative in her emotions and she can go even bad. I hope she recovers from this negativity. I pray to God with all my heart that she recovers.

It was fantastic.. My experience in spiritually. I feel awesome because I came out of xx

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Why some relationship has quarrel or argument?

I personally have undergone such situations and like to help explain this issue.

1.      One person is trying to dominate other in an implicit manner. For example, one partner may be interested in swimming and jogging and like to being physically fit, while the other partner is lazy. So the lazy partner would expect the active one who wakes up early to perform the family routine tasks. Alternatively, in my case, my wife does not like Yoga or meditation for some strange reason. Not only she despises but also she is irate whenever I speak to her about the topic and even worse if I am going for a week or 10 days’ course. She feels that I am wasting my time and do not reap benefit. I understand but what really bothers is she is quite impatient to listen to me to understand my mindset and my aspirations are. In long run, such relationships tend to be fragile the reason being one partner is trying to influence the decision or mindset of other implicitly and on long run this may create discomfort to other

2.      Emotions are expressed candidly. I would rather say bluntly. This is often in the early stages of relationship may be in the first year of the relationship. The reason being one person may not really understand the other and often require sugar coated expressions. When the partner expresses feelings candidly, other may not have expected and inside would be something absolutely different from outside.

3.      Partner does not understand the aspirations of the other. As everyone knows each of us are unique. So aspirations of one partner would be sometimes totally different from that other. Although one need not pursue the aspirations of other. At least, you need not motivate.

As a partner, you should not only like him/her as a person but also their likes, dislikes and their emotions. Then the relationship would be a very healthy one.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Do you really encourage your children?

I understand that my father is the one who plays the role of devil’s advocate. However, whenever I say a new topic to him, he will frown at the new venture and say all the negatives in that topic. When I was a child or a college lad or even in professional world, I use to get afraid of my dad points as they seem real points, and do not venture into the new ways. I failed to understand that there are new ways exist in this world, beyond the negatives that are inexplicable at the time of its genesis. There are 2 sides of the coin. I wish there is a companion who shows both sides of the coin with facts rather than pouring the outward of general advice on generic scenarios.

Hence, whenever your child comes up with a new idea that may be totally irrelevant or totally new. First and foremost, listen to your child very carefully and try to think in his shoes. By doing that, you would better understand why your child is talking about it. It’s the only way to make your child list to you, because once you get a vivid understanding of the background in his thought process, you would better speak in his language either the positives or even the negatives so that he can listen to you. Also, bear in mind an important point that just because something has not worked successfully for you does not mean that the same thing will not work out for him. The reason being obvious, the result is influenced not only by the situation, but also by the strong inclination, efforts made and the attitude towards the intermittent downside that your son encounters in pursuing the ultimate dream.